Sponsorships in South India

Sponsorships in the South Indian monastery Sera Je:

Most of the monks in Sera Je had fled from Tibet while they were still children or teenagers and since then they are living and studying in the monastery. The Little novices mostly come from very poor families in Tibetan cultural regions, like Ladakh, Sikkim or Arunachal Pradesh. Since their families cannot support the children they need help by a sponsorship for school material, clothing, medical care and other things of daily life.

 students-house-999 The little monks from house no. 999

For these Tibetans in South India we are looking for sponsors right now:

All these novices have been born in Tawang, a town in the northern Indian state Arunachal Pradesh, not far from Tibet and Bhutan. It is the birth place of the sixth Dalai Lama. In Tawang you find the famous Galden Namgyal Lhatse monastery. Since the living conditions and especially the school education in the south are much better, many families send their children to Sera Je monastery.

In Sera the children learn English, mathematics and other subjects. The sponsors can be in touch with them by letter and email. The children are very happy to receive mail from abroad. It is even possible to visit them while in India.

Please Support one of these children with a sponsorship at the monthly amount of 20 Euro.

Payment reference: Sponsorship for “name of monk”

sangye-norbu-8-jahre Sangye Norbu, Age 8

tenzin-dawa-7-jahre Tenzin Dawa, Age 7

yeshe-tsering-12-jahre Yeshe Tsering, Age 12

tenzin-dawa-10-jahre Tenzin Dawa, Age 10

tenzin-kusum-8-jahre Tenzin Kusum, Age 8


Sponsorships for young people in Tibetan villages in South India:

Tibetans who flee from their home country to India are admitted to the Tibetan settlements. Between them are many children, whos poor parents decided heavy-heartedly to send them away into exile, hoping that there they will be able to live a free life, get education and find a good job. These children grow up in Tibetan Children Villages (TCV).

But many Tibetan children are already born in exile and need our support. The Tibetan cultural region spans a huge geographical area in the Himalayas and is crossing borders. Therefore many children living in the TCVs come from poor families in Ladakh, Sikkim or other regions. Their families cannot support them, but the edcuation in the Tibetan settlements offers them hope for a better life. Often these children and youths need help for the school fee and studies. Please support such a young Tibetan with a sponsorship.

Shortly new information about youths looking for sponsorships will appear here.

If you are interested in supporting a Tibetan child with a sponsorship please send us an email to: info@tibet-tshoesem.de

Tibet Tshoesem Association