Renovation of monks rooms

Support for the renovation of the monk’s rooms in Tse Chok Ling

The current stage of the Project is dedicated to the renovation of the monks rooms. When the monastery was built about 30 years ago poor material has been used. Therefore the rooms are in extremely bad condition. The roofs are leaking, the walls get chapped, are humid and severly damaged by mold. The yearly monsoon of the summer season brings even more humidity.

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renovation of the monk’s rooms

The renovation work is going on quite good, also due to the support of another aid organization, but still there is a lot of work to do and more rooms need to be renovated completely. One by one all the rooms in the old part of monastery shall be renovated. The total amount needed goes up to 2.500 Euro. Therefore we need more donations.

Please support the renovation of the monk’s rooms with your donation.

payment reference: renovation

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Nearby the dining room and the classrooms there is a room where one of the senior monks has been living for many years. His name is Dorjee. He was born in the South Tibetan region of Tingri and at the age of 5 his father brought him all the way over the Himalayas to Nepal and then to Dharamsala, where he went to school at the local TCV. In 1993 at the age of 17 he was ordained a monk and joined the monastery. Only in 2008, 27 years after he had to say goodbye to his parents he could hear their voices again on the phone … a very heart touching story.

His room does not belong to the part of the monastery which is been renovated right now and this is why we want to help him personally. Also the monastery’s administration would appreciate donations for renovating Dorjees room.

The roof is leaking, especially during the monsoon season water is getting in. There is mould on the ceiling and walls and it’s an extremly unhealthy indoor climate.

For the renovation of this room we need about 1.000 Euro (75.000 INR). We already received first donations and 200 Euro are still needed.

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Please Support the renovation of monk Dorjee’s room with your donation.

Payment reference: Renovation room Dorjee


Tibet Tshoesem Association